Quantum non-interacting systems#
Occupation number representatiton of energy#
Preparing ground for the quantum statistics we adopt an occupation number representation of a microstate. Occupation number or orbital representation explicitly tracks the occupation of single particle eigenvalues. In this representation a microstate is identified with the occupancy vector \([n_1, n_2, ... n_N]\) specifying number of particles populating every fixed energy level.
Boltzmann distribution#
The number of states in the occupation representation is given by the multinomial factor:
The last expression is seen as a a polynomial expression leading to the factorization of partition function as we would expect for the non-interacting nature of the system.
Thus, we see that the factor of \(N!\) needs to br introduced to correct for multiple counting of states.
This way of handling partition functions is called Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics which is widely applicable in the “classical regime”.
Boltzmann derived a distribution bearing his name by maximizing \(\Omega(E)\) subject to \(\sum_{k} n_{k}=N\) and \(\sum_k n_k E_k = N U\) constraints. This is essentially a MaxEnt derivation seen in the module on Entropy
Example of MB statistics
Consider 2 particles each having 3 energy levels \(\epsilon_1, \epsilon_2, \epsilon_3\)
Multiply occupied states are unphysically suppressed.
Single occupied states are nicely weighted which removes the double-counting.
Validity of the classical regime#
Average and fluctuations of occupancy numbers#
Thermal wavelength demarcates classical vs quantum regimes#
A sufficient condition for the validity of the classical regime is the low mean occupancy of energy levels \(\epsilon_i\).
Using translational partition function for a free particle in a box \(Z_1 = V \Big(\frac{2\pi m k_B T}{h^2} \Big)^{3/2}\) we express low mean occupancy limit in terms of microsocipic parameters:
Classical limit is the limit where thermal wavelength is much smaller than interatomic distances.
Partition functions for quantum statistics#
Evaluating partition functions in the occupation number representation is easier in grand-canonical ensemble where there are no restrictions \(N=\sum_i n_i\) placed on sums.
Average and fluctuations of occupation numbers#
The averages and flucutations as usual are obtained by taking appropriate derivatives of partiton function.
Bosons and Fermions#
bosons Any one particle state has no upper bound for its occupation number. Integer spins.
fermions The occupation number for any one-particle state is at most one (Pauli exclusion). Half odd integer spins.
Ideal Boson systems#
For the ground state energy \(\epsilon_i=0\) we have \(\bar{n}_0 = (e^{-\beta \mu}-1)^{-1}\). Thus \(\mu\) is not allowed to be positive. That is chemical ptoential must be smaller than graound state energy to maintain non-negative occupation number
Ideal Fermion systems#
Classical Limit#
The Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions are very different from Maxwell-Boltzmann. THe difference is due to quantum interference when number density is high.
\(\mu \rightarrow -\infty\) System has no resistance to chemostat’s donation of particles. E.g the system is highly dilute with low ocupancy numbers \(n_i \ll 1\)
All distributions captured wihin one universal formula#
\(c = -1\) Bose-Einstein distribution.
\(c = +1\) Fermi-Dirac distribution.
\(c = 0\) Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
Density states (DOS) for an ideal gas#
Let us analyze the density of states of free particles in volume V in some detail starting from fundamental equation governing state of such particles.
Solution for free particles are plane waves for which we need to impose boundary conditions.
We impose periodic boundary conditions \(k_x(x + Lx) = k_x x + 2πn\)
Discrete eigenvalues emerge from boundary conditions
Now we want to count the number of modes or waves that have wavevectors between \(([k_x, k_x+dk_x], [k_y, k_y+dk_y], [k_z, k_z+dk_z])\):
Number of states within \(\Delta n_x \Delta n_y \Delta n_z\) region is given in terms of momenta values \(\rho(p) d^3p\)
Density of states in cartesian coordines
Azimuthally averaged density of states \(g(p)dp = \int^{\pi}_{0} d\theta \int^{2\pi}_{0} d\phi g(p)d^3 p\) results in multiplying by \(4\pi r^2\) term.
Another insightful way of computing \(\Omega(k)\) is by dividing the volume of a sphere with radius \(k\) \(V_k = \frac{4\pi }{3} k^3\) by the volume availible per one state \(g(k)\)