Numpy and Probabilities#

Problem: Compute Full, Marginal, and Conditional Probabilities Given \( p(x, y) \)#

Given the joint probability distribution \( p(x, y) \), perform the following tasks:

  1. Check for Normalization:

    • Verify that the sum of all elements in \( p(x, y) \) equals 1 (i.e., \( \sum_{x,y} p(x, y) = 1 \)).

  2. Compute the Marginal Probability \( p(x) \):

    • Compute \( p(x) \) by summing over all values of \( y \):

      \[ p(x) = \sum_{y} p(x, y) \]
  3. Compute a Specific Joint Probability:

    • Find the probability of \( x = 1 \) and \( y = 2 \), i.e., \( p(x=1, y=2) \).

  4. Compute the Conditional Probability \( p(x | y=3) \):

    • Use the definition of conditional probability: $\( p(x | y=3) = \frac{p(x, y=3)}{p(y=3)} \)$

    • Compute \( p(y=3) \) by summing over \( x \), then use it to compute \( p(x | y=3) \).

import numpy as np

# Given joint probability matrix p(x, y)
pxy = np.array([[0.0888395 , 0.04135306, 0.07692385, 0.04716456],
                [0.05191984, 0.04715928, 0.06539948, 0.04739613],
                [0.09325686, 0.05106682, 0.05221257, 0.05864018],
                [0.08283109, 0.11219392, 0.02191071, 0.06173214]])

Problem: Understanding Covariance and Correlation Using NumPy#

Consider two random variables, \(X\) and \(Y\), representing the heights (in cm) and weights (in kg) of a group of individuals. The relationship between these variables is often analyzed using covariance and correlation.

  1. Generate synthetic data:

    • Let \(X\) (heights) be normally distributed with mean 170 cm and standard deviation 10 cm.

    • Let \(Y\) (weights) be generated as a linear function of \(X\) with some added random noise:

      \[ Y = 0.5X + 10 + \text{random noise} \]

      where the random noise follows a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 5.

  2. Compute the sample covariance between \(X\) and \(Y\) using NumPy.

  3. Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient using NumPy.

  4. Interpretation:

    • If the covariance is positive, what does it imply?

    • How does the correlation coefficient relate to the strength of the relationship?


  • Use np.random.normal to generate data.

  • Compute covariance using np.cov(X, Y).

  • Compute correlation using np.corrcoef(X, Y).

Problem: Understanding Histograms, Normalization, and Bin Size in Statistical Mechanics#

Scenario: Energy Distribution of Particles in a System#

In statistical mechanics, the distribution of particle energies in a system at thermal equilibrium follows the Boltzmann distribution. To analyze this, we simulate a system of particles with energies distributed according to:

\[ P(E) \propto e^{-E / k_B T} \]


  • \( E \) is the energy of a particle,

  • \( k_B \) is the Boltzmann constant (set to 1 for simplicity),

  • \( T \) is the temperature (choose a reasonable value, e.g., \( T = 300 \)).


  1. Generate Energy Data:

    • Simulate 10,000 particle energies following the Boltzmann distribution using an exponential distribution.

    • Use NumPy’s np.random.exponential(scale=kB*T, size=N) to generate energy values.

  2. Plot Histograms with Different Bin Sizes:

    • Create histograms with 20, 50, and 100 bins.

    • Compare how bin size affects the appearance of the histogram.

  3. Normalize the Histogram:

    • Convert the histogram into a probability density function (PDF) by ensuring the total area under the histogram sums to 1.

    • Use the density=True option in plt.hist().

  4. Overlay the Theoretical Boltzmann Distribution:

    • Plot the theoretical function \( P(E) = (1/k_B T) e^{-E / k_B T} \) on top of the histogram.

  5. Analyze the Results:

    • How does the choice of bin size affect the smoothness of the energy distribution?

    • Why is normalization important in probability distributions?

    • How does increasing the number of particles affect the histogram shape?


  • Use np.random.exponential(scale=kB*T, size=N) to generate data.

  • Use plt.hist(energies, bins=n, density=True, alpha=0.5) to plot normalized histograms.

  • Overlay the theoretical Boltzmann distribution using plt.plot(E, P(E)).