Molecular Dynamics#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
import as px

"Cu atoms"

"Water molecules"

Is MD just Newton’s laws applied on big systems?#

Not quite: Noble prize in Chemistry 2013 just for MD

  • Classical molecular dynamics (MD) is a powerful computational technique for studying complex molecular systems.

  • Applications span wide range including proteins, polymers, inorganic and organic materials.

  • Alos molecular dynamics simulation is being used in a complimentary way to the analysis of experimental data coming from NMR, IR, UV spectroscopies and elastic-scattering techniques, such as small angle scattering or diffraction.

  • 2013 Noble Lectures by M Karplus, A Warshell, M Levitt

Timescales and Lengthscales#

  • Classical Molecular Dynamics can access a hiearrchy of time-scales from pico seconds to microseconds.

  • It is also possible to go beyond the time scale of brute force MD byb emplying clever enhanced sampling techniques.

Energy function (force fields) used in classical MD#

Non-bonded interactions: Van der Waals#

@widgets.interact(sig=(1,2, 0.1),eps=(0.1,3))
def plot_lj(sig=1, eps=1):
    r  = np.linspace(0.5, 3, 1000)
    lj = 4 * eps *  ( (sig/r)**12 -(sig/r)**6 )
    plt.plot(r, lj, lw=3)
    plt.plot(r, -4*eps*(sig/r)**6, '-',lw=3)
    plt.plot(r,  4*eps*(sig/r)**12,'-',lw=3)

    plt.legend(['LJ', 'Attr-LJ','Repuls-LJ' ])
def plot_lj(kappa=0.1):
    r    = np.linspace(1, 5, 1000)
    E_DH = np.exp(-kappa*r)/r

    plt.plot(r, E_DH, lw=3)

    plt.legend(['Debye-Huckel potential'])

def plot_harmonic(k=0.1):
    r    = np.linspace(1, 5, 1000)


Integrating equations of motion#

No thanks, Euler#

The simplest integrating scheme for ODEs is the Euler’s method. Given the \(n\)-dimensional vectors from the ODE standard form. the Euler rule amounts to writing down equation in finite difference form.

\[ \frac{d {y}}{dt} = {f}(t, {y}) \]
\[\frac{d y(t)}{dt} \approx \frac{{y}(t_{n+1}) - {y}(t_n)}{h}\]
\[{y}_{n+1} \approx {y}_n + h {f}(t_n, {y}_n)\]

Much better integrators are known under the names of Runge Kutta, 2nd, 4th, 6th … order

def euler(y, f, t, h):   
    """Euler integrator: Returns new y at t+h.
    return y + h * f(t, y)

def rk2(y, f, t, h):
    """Runge-Kutta RK2 midpoint"""
    k1 = f(t, y)
    k2 = f(t + 0.5*h, y + 0.5*h*k1)
    return y + h*k2

def rk4(y, f, t, h):
    """Runge-Kutta RK4"""
    k1 = f(t, y)
    k2 = f(t + 0.5*h, y + 0.5*h*k1)
    k3 = f(t + 0.5*h, y + 0.5*h*k2)
    k4 = f(t + h, y + h*k3)
    return y + h/6 * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)

Verlet algortihm#

Taylor expansion of position \(\vec{r}(t)\) after timestep \(\Delta t\) we obtain forward and backward Euler schems

\[r_{t+\Delta t} = r_t +v_t\Delta t +\frac{1}{2}a_t \Delta t^2 + O(\Delta t^3)\]
\[r_{t-\Delta t} = r_t -v_t \Delta t +\frac{1}{2}a_t \Delta t^2 + O(\Delta t^3)\]
  • In 1967 Loup Verlet introduced a new algorithm into molecular dynamics simulations which preserves energy is accurate and efficient.

  • Summing the two taylor expansion above we get a updating scheme which is an order of mangnitude more accurate

\[r_{t+\Delta t} = 2r_t - r_{t-\Delta t} +a_t \Delta t^2+O(\Delta t^4)\]
\[v_t = \frac{r_{t+\Delta t}-r_{t-\Delta t}}{2\Delta t} +O(\Delta t^2) \]
  • Velocity is not needed to update the positions. But we still need them to set the temperature.

  • Terms of order \(O(\Delta t^3)\) cancel in position giving position an accuracy of order \(O(\Delta t^4)\)

  • To update the position we need positions in the past at two different time points! This is is not very efficient.

Velocity Verlet updating scheme#

  • A better updating scheme has been proposed known as Velocity-Verlet (VV) which stores positions, velocities and accelerations at the same time. Time stepping backward expansion \(r(t-\Delta t + \Delta t)\) and summing with the forward Tayloer expansions we get Velocity Verlet updating scheme:

\[v_{t+\Delta t} = v_t + \frac{1}{2}(a_t+a_{t+\Delta t})\Delta t +O(\Delta t^3)\]

Substituting forces \(a=\frac{F}{m}\) instead of acelration we get

\[r_{t+\Delta t} = r_t + v_t\Delta t + \frac{F_t}{2m}\Delta t^2\]
\[v_{t+\Delta t} = v_t + \frac{F_t+F_{t+\Delta t}}{2m}\Delta t\]

Velocity Verlet Algorithm#

1. Evaluate the forces by plugging initial positions into force-field

\[F_t \leftarrow - \frac{\partial U(r)}{ \partial r}\Big |_{r(t)} \]

2. Position update:

\[r_{t+\Delta t} = r_t +v \Delta t + \frac{F_t}{2m}\Delta t^2\]

3. Partial update of velocity

\[v \leftarrow v + \frac{F_t}{2m} \Delta t\]

3. Force/acceleration evalutation at a new position

\[F_{t+\Delta t} = -\frac{\partial U(r)}{\partial r}\Big |_{r(t+\Delta t)}\]

4. Full update of velocity

\[v \leftarrow v + \frac{F_{t+\Delta t}}{2m} \Delta t\]

Alternative implementaitons of VV#

  • There is an identical to Velocity Verlet integration scheme known as the Leapfrog algorithm. which differens in the way of implementation.

  • In the Leap-frog velocities are calculated at half-timestep \(\Delta t/2\).

\[v_{t+\Delta t/2} = v_{t-\Delta t/2} + \frac{F_t}{2m}\Delta t\]
\[r_{t+\Delta t} = r_t + v_{t+\Delta t/2}\Delta t\]
  • One disadvantage of the leap frog approach is that the velocities are not known at the same time as the positions, making it difficult to evaluate the total energy (kinetic + potential) at any one point in time.

def velv(y, f, t, h):
    """Velocity Verlet for solving differential equations. 
    A little inefficient since same force (first and last) is evaluated twice!
    # 1. Evluate force
    F = f(t, y)
    # 2, Velocity partial update
    y[1] += 0.5*h * F[1]

    # 3. Full step position
    y[0] += h*y[1]
    # 4. Force re-eval
    F = f(t+h, y)
    # 5. Full step velocity 
    y[1] += 0.5*h * F[1]  

    return y

Comparison of RK and Verlet#

def f(t, y):
    ''' Define a simple harmonic potential'''
    return np.array([y[1], -y[0]])
y  = np.array([1., 1.])
pos, vel = [], []
t  = 0
h = 0.1 

for i in range(1000):
    y = velv(y, f, t, h) # Change integration method venv, euler, rk2, rk4

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=1, figsize=(12,3))

pos, vel =np.array(pos), np.array(vel)
ax[0].plot(pos, vel)
ax[2].plot(0.5*pos**2 + 0.5*vel**2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f467df5abe0>]

Ensemble averages#

Ensemble vs time average and ergodicity#

\[\langle A \rangle = \frac{1}{T_{prod}} \int^{T_{eq} +T_{prod}}_{T_{eq}} A(t)\]

Kinetic, Potential and Total Energies#

  • Kinetic, potential and total energies are flcutuation quantities in the Molecualr dynamics simulations.

  • Energy conservation should still hold: The mean of total energy should be stable

\[KE_t = \sum_i \frac{p_t^2}{2m}\]
\[PE_t = \sum_{ij}u_{ij}(r_t)\]
\[\langle E \rangle = \langle KE \rangle +\langle PE \rangle \approx const \]


According to equipariting result of equilibrium statistical mechanics in the NVT ensmeble

\[\Big\langle \sum_i \frac{p_t^2}{2m} \Big\rangle =\frac{3 }{2}N k_B T\]
\[T_t = \frac{2}{3 N k_B} \big\langle KE \big\rangle_t \]


The microscopic expression for the pressure can be derived in the NVE ensemble using

\[P = \frac{1}{3V} \sum^N_i \Big [\frac{p^2_i}{m} +\vec{F}_i(r) \cdot \vec{r}_i(t) \Big ]\]

Molecular Dynaamics of Classical Harmonic Oscillator#


def time_step_1D(pos, vel, F, en_force):
    '''Velocity Verlet update of velocities, positions and forces
    pos         (float):      position
    vel         (float):      velocity
    F           (float):        force
    en_force (function): a function whichb computes potential energy and force (derivative)
    vel   += 0.5 * F * dt
    pos   += vel * dt
    pe, F  = en_force(pos)
    vel   += 0.5 * F * dt

    return pos, vel, F, pe
def md_nve_1d(x, v, dt, t_max, en_force):
    '''Minimalistic MD code applied to a harmonic oscillator'''
    times, pos, vel, KE, PE  = [], [], [], [], []
    #1. Intialize force
    pe, F = en_force(x) 
    for step in range(int(t_max/dt)):
        x, v, F, pe = time_step_1D(x, v, F, en_force)
        pos.append(x), vel.append(v), KE.append(0.5*v*v), PE.append(pe)    
    return np.array(pos), np.array(vel), np.array(KE), np.array(PE)
#----parameters of simulation----
k     = 3 
x0    = 1 
v0    = 0
dt    = 0.01 * 2*np.pi/np.sqrt(k) #A good timestep determined by using oscillator frequency
t_max = 1000

def ho_en_force(x, k=k):
    '''Force field of harmonic oscillator:
    returns potential energy and force'''
    return k*x**2, -k*x
pos, vel, KE, PE = md_nve_1d(x0, v0, dt, t_max, ho_en_force)
fig, ax =plt.subplots(ncols=2)

ax[1].hist(vel, color='orange');


Molecualr Dynamics of Harmonic oscillator (NVT)#

Newton’s equation of motion

\[F = m \ddot{x} = -\nabla_x U\]

Langevin equation

\[F = -\nabla_x U - \lambda \dot{x} + \eta(t)\]

Overdamped Langevin equation, \(m\dot{v} =0\)

\[ \lambda \dot{x} = \nabla_x U + \eta(t)\]

Fluctuation-dissipation theorem

\[\langle \eta(t) \eta(t') \rangle = 2\lambda k_B T \delta(t-t')\]

Velocity updating when coupled to a thermal heat bath

\[ v_{t+\Delta t} = v_t e^{-\lambda \Delta t} + (k_B T)^{1/2} \cdot (1-e^{-2\gamma \Delta t})^{1/2} \cdot N(0,1)\]
def langevin_md_1d(x, v, dt, kBT, gamma, t_max, en_force):
    '''Langevin dynamics applied to 1D potentials
    Using integration scheme known as BA-O-AB.
    INPUT: Any 1D function with its parameters
    times, pos, vel, KE, PE  = [], [], [], [], []
    t = 0  
    for step in range(int(t_max/dt)):
        pe, F = en_force(x)
        v    += F*dt/2
        x += v*dt/2

        v = v*np.exp(-gamma*dt) + np.sqrt(1-np.exp(-2*gamma*dt)) * np.sqrt(kBT) * normal()
        x +=  v*dt/2
        pe, F = en_force(x)
        v    +=  F*dt/2
        ### Save output 
        times.append(t), pos.append(x), vel.append(v), KE.append(0.5*v*v), PE.append(pe)    
    return np.array(times), np.array(pos), np.array(vel), np.array(KE), np.array(PE)
# Ininital conditions
x     = 0.1
v     = 0.5

# Input parameters of simulation
kBT   = 0.25
gamma = 10
dt    = 0.01
t_max = 10000
freq  = 10

times, pos, vel, KE, PE = langevin_md_1d(x, v, dt, kBT, gamma, t_max, ho_en_force)
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 12
      9 t_max = 10000
     10 freq  = 10
---> 12 times, pos, vel, KE, PE = langevin_md_1d(x, v, dt, kBT, gamma, t_max, ho_en_force)

Cell In[14], line 20, in langevin_md_1d(x, v, dt, kBT, gamma, t_max, en_force)
     17 x += v*dt/2
     19 #O-step
---> 20 v = v*np.exp(-gamma*dt) + np.sqrt(1-np.exp(-2*gamma*dt)) * np.sqrt(kBT) * normal()
     22 #A-step
     23 x +=  v*dt/2

NameError: name 'normal' is not defined
def gaussian_x(x, k, kBT): 
    return  np.exp(-k*(x**2)/(2*kBT)) / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*kBT/k)
def gaussian_v(v, kBT):   
    return  np.exp(-(v**2)/(2*kBT))  / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*kBT) 

fig, ax =plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(9,4))


x = np.linspace(min(pos), max(pos), bins)
ax[0].hist(pos, bins=bins, density=True) 
ax[0].plot(x, gaussian_x(x, k, kBT), lw=2, color='k')

v = np.linspace(min(vel), max(vel), bins)
ax[1].hist(vel, bins=bins, density=True, color='orange') 
ax[1].plot(v, gaussian_v(v, kBT), lw=2, color='k')



Double well potential#

def double_well(x, k=1, a=3):
    energy = 0.25*k*((x-a)**2) * ((x+a)**2)
    force = -k*x*(x-a)*(x+a)
    return energy, force

@widgets.interact(k=(0.1, 1), a=(0.1,3))
def plot_harm_force(k=1, a=3):
    x = np.linspace(-6,6,1000)
    energy, force = double_well(x, k, a) 
    plt.plot(x, energy, '-o',lw=3)
    plt.plot(x, force, '-', lw=3, alpha=0.5)
    plt.legend(['$U(x)$', '$F=-\partial_x U(x)$'], fontsize=15)
# Ininital conditions
x     = 0.1
v     = 0.5

# Input parameters of simulation
kBT   = 5 # vary this
gamma = 0.1 # vary this

dt    = 0.05
t_max = 10000
freq  = 10

times, pos, vel, KE, PE = langevin_md_1d(x, v, dt, kBT, gamma, t_max, double_well)
fig, ax =plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(13,5))

x = np.linspace(min(pos), max(pos), 50)

ax[1].hist(pos, bins=50, density=True, alpha=0.5);

v = np.linspace(min(vel), max(vel),50)

Additional resoruces for learning MD#

For a quick dive consult the following lecture notes:

The best resource for comprehensive stuyd remains the timeless classic by Daan Frankel


1D harmonic potential#

Given a 1D potential \(U(x)\) write code to carry out molecular dynamics

\[U(x) = Ax^2 +B x^3 + C x^4\]
  • Using langevin dynamics to simulate the system in NVT ensemble.

  • Your input should read in A, B, C parameters, starting point and velocity, timestep and number of iterations, kBT, gamma.

  • Output should be the positions which should then be histogrammed to obtain probability distribution

  • Use A=-1, B = 0.0, C = 1.0. Try various initial positions. Look for some interesting regions to sample by adjusting initital positions.

  • Use A=-1, B = -1, C = 1.0. Again try various initial strting positions.

Beads and springs#

Simulate a chain of harmonic oscillators with the following potential energy function

\[U(x_1, x_2, ...) = \sum_j \frac{p^2_j}{2m} + \frac{1}{2} K \sum_j (x_j -x_{j-1})^2\]
  • Take the particle at \(x_0 = 0\) fixed. Carry out constant T MD using langevin dynamics

  • Try N = 2, N=10 particles and obtain equilibrium distributions of \(x_{j}-x_{j-1}\) for various temperatures.