Overview of ensembles#
Entropy as a function of microstate probabilities:
\[S = -k \sum_{i} p_i \log p_i\]Constraint imposed on thermodynamic coordinates to maintain constant values:
Normalization of probabilities(all ensembles):
\[\sum_{i} p_i = 1\]Expected energy (for certain ensembles):
\[\sum_{i} p_i E_i = \langle E \rangle\]Expected number of particles (for certain ensembles):
\[\sum_{N} p_N N = \langle N \rangle\]Expected volume (for certain ensembles):
\[\sum_{i} p_V V = \langle V \rangle\]
Lagrange Multipliers: Construct the Lagrangian with Lagrange multipliers} \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), …
\[L = -k \sum_{i} p_i \log p_i - \alpha \left( \sum_{i} p_i - 1 \right) - \beta \left( \sum_{i} p_i E_i - ...\]
Finding maximum entropy solution with constraints (NVE example)#
Seek maximum of entropy
Determine Lagrange multipliers
Normalize \(p_j\) to find \(\alpha\):
\[\sum_j p_j = \sum_j e^{-\frac{\alpha}{k_B} - 1} =\Omega\]probabilities are independent of the microstate, and the sum can be set to be equal to a constant denoted as \(\Omega\)
Probability Expression:
Finding maximum entropy solution with constraints (NVT example)#
Determine Lagrange multipliers
Normalize \(p_j\) to find \(\alpha\):
\[e^{-\frac{\alpha}{k} - 1} = \frac{1}{Z}\]\[Z = \sum_{j} e^{-\frac{\beta E_j}{k}}\]\(\beta\) is typically identified with \(\frac{1}{kT}\).
Probability Expression:
NVE Overview#
Fundamental relation
Derivatives of energy
Second law
Statistical mechanics#
Bridge equation
Probability of a microstate
Probability of a macrostate
NVT Overview#
Fundamental relation
Derivatives of free energy
Second law
Statistical mechanics#
Bridge equation
Probability of a microstate
Probability of a macrostate
\(\mu\)VT Overview#
Fundamental relation
Derivatives of free energy
Second law
Statistical mechanics#
Bridge equation
Probability of a microstate
Probability of a macrostate
Ensemble equivalence#
Smallness of fluctuations#
Consider a conjucate pair of extensive \(X_i\) and intensive \(Y_i\) variables. For instnace \((1, E)\), \((S, T)\) or \((V, -p)\). The average and fluctuations of extensive variable \(X\) for constant \(Y\) is given by derivatives of parition function:
Smallness of fluctuations
Legendre and Laplace transforms#
Legendre transformation enables expressing the condition of equilibrium (e.g. maximium of entropy function) in terms of convenient variables (e.g minimum of some free eneergy function).
Free energies are Legedre transforms of internal energy function \(E(S,V,N,...)\)
General expression of Legendtre transform
A general expression for legendre transform of energy \(U(X_0, X_1, ...X_n, X_n+1, ... X_t)\) with respect to its extensive variables can be written down as:
The various partion functions can then be seen to be of general form \(e^{\beta \Psi}\) where the free energy function is a Legendre transform over fluctuating quantities.
Free energies as Laplace transform of internal energy function \(E(S,V,N,...)\)