DEMO: HF calculations on small organic molecules by PySCF#

  • We need to install a few things before we get started

    • PySCF (for the quantum chemistry)

    • py3DMol for visualizing the molecule

    • plotly and kaleido for plotting

%pip install -q pyscf py3DMol plotly kaleido
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
from pyscf import gto   # Used to define a molecule
from pyscf import scf   # Used to perform HF calculations
from pyscf import mp    # Used to perform Møller–Plesset PT calculations
from pyscf import cc    # Used to perfrom Coupled Cluster calculations
from pyscf import mcscf # Used to perform multireference calculations


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyscf import gto, scf, tools

def compute_h2_bond_curve(distances, basis='sto-3g'):
    Computes the total energy of H2 molecule at various bond distances.
    - distances (array-like): List of H-H bond distances to calculate energy.
    - basis (str): Basis set for the calculation.
    - energies (list): Total electronic energies for each bond distance.
    - mo_energies_list (list of lists): Molecular orbital energies for each distance.
    - mo_coeffs_list (list of arrays): Molecular orbital coefficients for each distance.
    energies = []
    mo_energies_list = []
    mo_coeffs_list = []

    for r in distances:
        mol = gto.Mole()
        mol.atom = f'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 {r}'
        mol.basis = basis
        mol.spin = 0  # Singlet state
        # Perform Hartree-Fock calculation
        mf = scf.RHF(mol)
        total_energy = mf.kernel()
        # Store results
        print(f"Bond distance: {r:.2f} Å, Total Energy: {total_energy:.6f} Hartree")
    return energies, mo_energies_list, mo_coeffs_list

def plot_bond_curve(distances, energies):
    Plots the bond energy curve of H2 molecule.
    - distances (array-like): H-H bond distances.
    - energies (list): Total electronic energies for each bond distance.
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
    plt.plot(distances, energies, marker='o', label='Total Energy (HF)')
    plt.xlabel('H-H Bond Distance (Å)')
    plt.ylabel('Total Energy (Hartree)')
    plt.title('Bond Curve for H2 (HF/STO-3G)')

def plot_molecular_orbitals(distances, mo_energies_list):
    Plots the molecular orbital energies as a function of bond distance.
    - distances (array-like): H-H bond distances.
    - mo_energies_list (list of lists): Molecular orbital energies for each distance.
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
    for i in range(len(mo_energies_list[0])):  # Number of orbitals
        orbital_energies = [mo_energies[i] for mo_energies in mo_energies_list]
        plt.plot(distances, orbital_energies, marker='o', label=f'MO {i+1}')
    plt.xlabel('H-H Bond Distance (Å)')
    plt.ylabel('Molecular Orbital Energy (Hartree)')
    plt.title('Molecular Orbital Energies for H2 (HF/STO-3G)')
# Define bond distances (in Ångstroms)
distances = np.linspace(0.5, 3.0, 20)  # From 0.5 to 3.0 Å

# Run the bond curve calculation
energies, mo_energies_list, mo_coeffs_list = compute_h2_bond_curve(distances)

# Plot the bond curve
plot_bond_curve(distances, energies)

# Plot the molecular orbital energies as a function of bond distance
plot_molecular_orbitals(distances, mo_energies_list)
converged SCF energy = -1.04299627454009
Bond distance: 0.50 Å, Total Energy: -1.042996 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -1.10962287714076
Bond distance: 0.63 Å, Total Energy: -1.109623 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -1.1151049457252
Bond distance: 0.76 Å, Total Energy: -1.115105 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -1.09311721487025
Bond distance: 0.89 Å, Total Energy: -1.093117 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -1.05859984694162
Bond distance: 1.03 Å, Total Energy: -1.058600 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -1.0184750668009
Bond distance: 1.16 Å, Total Energy: -1.018475 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.976475042485522
Bond distance: 1.29 Å, Total Energy: -0.976475 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.934934347558081
Bond distance: 1.42 Å, Total Energy: -0.934934 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.895332352040937
Bond distance: 1.55 Å, Total Energy: -0.895332 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.858539335922428
Bond distance: 1.68 Å, Total Energy: -0.858539 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.825003227962734
Bond distance: 1.82 Å, Total Energy: -0.825003 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.794885434688666
Bond distance: 1.95 Å, Total Energy: -0.794885 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.768150987030312
Bond distance: 2.08 Å, Total Energy: -0.768151 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.74463276621353
Bond distance: 2.21 Å, Total Energy: -0.744633 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.724083718963794
Bond distance: 2.34 Å, Total Energy: -0.724084 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.706219811199347
Bond distance: 2.47 Å, Total Energy: -0.706220 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.690751272496289
Bond distance: 2.61 Å, Total Energy: -0.690751 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.67740092568721
Bond distance: 2.74 Å, Total Energy: -0.677401 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.665911797817778
Bond distance: 2.87 Å, Total Energy: -0.665912 Hartree
converged SCF energy = -0.656048251145591
Bond distance: 3.00 Å, Total Energy: -0.656048 Hartree
../_images/177d8017a8d250f5390e9fc53bde410d2015ae405b4aa28ba481e9b098faf155.png ../_images/748b3df31ceb1082367498b4474cb9e6fc461be376f38e3198fc6163a244bf4d.png
import numpy as np
from pyscf import gto, scf, tools
import py3Dmol  # For 3D visualization of orbitals

def visualize_h2_mo_cubes(bond_distance=0.74, basis='sto-3g', mo_index=0, output_cube_file='mo.cube'):
    Generate and visualize cube files for molecular orbitals of H2.
    - bond_distance (float): H-H bond distance (in Ångstroms).
    - basis (str): Basis set for the calculation (e.g., 'sto-3g', '6-31g').
    - mo_index (int): Index of the molecular orbital to visualize (0-indexed).
    - output_cube_file (str): The name of the cube file to save.
    # 1. Build the H2 molecule
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.atom = f'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 {bond_distance}'
    mol.basis = basis
    mol.spin = 0  # Singlet state

    # 2. Perform Hartree-Fock calculation
    mf = scf.RHF(mol)

    # 3. Generate cube file for the specified molecular orbital (MO)
    print(f"Generating cube file for MO {mo_index + 1} (0-indexed as {mo_index})")
    tools.cubegen.orbital(mol, output_cube_file, mf.mo_coeff[:, mo_index], nx=80, ny=80, nz=80)

    # 4. Visualize the molecular orbital using py3Dmol
    print(f"Visualizing cube file: {output_cube_file}")
    cube_view = py3Dmol.view(width=400, height=400)
    with open(output_cube_file, 'r') as cube_file:
        cube_data =
    # Add isosurfaces for positive and negative parts of the orbital
    cube_view.addVolumetricData(cube_data, "cube", {'isoval': -0.03, 'color': "red", 'opacity': 0.85})
    cube_view.addVolumetricData(cube_data, "cube", {'isoval': 0.03, 'color': "blue", 'opacity': 0.85})
    # Add the molecular structure as well
    cube_view.addModel(mol.tostring(format="xyz"), 'xyz')
    cube_view.setStyle({'stick': {}, 'sphere': {'radius': 0.4}})
# Set the bond distance, basis, and the index of the molecular orbital to visualize
visualize_h2_mo_cubes(bond_distance=0.74, basis='sto-3g', mo_index=1, output_cube_file='mo_1.cube')  # MO 1
converged SCF energy = -1.11675930739643
Generating cube file for MO 2 (0-indexed as 1)
Visualizing cube file: mo_1.cube

3Dmol.js failed to load for some reason. Please check your browser console for error messages.

Build and Visualize Benzene#

mol_xyz = """H      1.2194     -0.1652      2.1600
  C      0.6825     -0.0924      1.2087
  C     -0.7075     -0.0352      1.1973
  H     -1.2644     -0.0630      2.1393
  C     -1.3898      0.0572     -0.0114
  H     -2.4836      0.1021     -0.0204
  C     -0.6824      0.0925     -1.2088
  H     -1.2194      0.1652     -2.1599
  C      0.7075      0.0352     -1.1973
  H      1.2641      0.0628     -2.1395
  C      1.3899     -0.0572      0.0114
  H      2.4836     -0.1022      0.0205"""

mol = gto.M(atom=mol_xyz, basis="sto3g", verbose=3)
import py3Dmol

xyz_view = py3Dmol.view(width=400,height=400)
xyz_view.setStyle({'stick':{}, "sphere":{"radius":0.4}})

# Use your mouse to interact with the molecule!

3Dmol.js failed to load for some reason. Please check your browser console for error messages.

Run calculations#

# Run HF and save the results
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()

# In Jupyter notebooks you can hover over methods to see docstrings or you can print the docstrings out!
converged SCF energy = -227.890481261003

Visualize Results#

import as px

# Plot the MO Occupations
fig = px.line(y=mf.mo_occ, markers=True, title="Molecular Orbital (MO) Occupations")
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Orbital Index (0-Based)", yaxis_title="MO Occupation")
# Plot the MO Energies (i.e. eigenvalues of the Fock matrix)
fig = px.line(y=mf.mo_energy, markers=True, title="Molecular Orbital (MO) Energies")
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Orbital Index (0-Based)", yaxis_title="MO Energies")
from import cubegen

cubegen.orbital(mol, 'mo.cube', mf.mo_coeff[:,18]); # 42 electrons so 21 occupied orbitals

cube_view = py3Dmol.view(width=400,height=400)
cube_view.addVolumetricData(open("mo.cube").read(), "cube", {'isoval': -0.03, 'color': "red", 'opacity': 0.85})
cube_view.addVolumetricData(open("mo.cube").read(), "cube", {'isoval': 0.03, 'color': "blue", 'opacity': 0.85})
cube_view.setStyle({'stick':{}, "sphere":{"radius":0.4}})

# Use your mouse to interact with the molecule!

3Dmol.js failed to load for some reason. Please check your browser console for error messages.

Short Survey of more acurate methods#

from pyscf import gto, scf, dft, mp, cc, fci
import py3Dmol
import as px
# Experimental geometry of gas-phase water
# Ref:
mol_xyz = """O        0.0000   0.0000   0.1173
             H        0.0000   0.7572	 -0.4692
             H        0.0000  -0.7572	 -0.4692"""
mol = gto.M(
    charge=0,      # 0 by default
    spin=0,        # 0 by default, defined as (n_up - n_down)
    symmetry=True, # False by default
System: uname_result(system='Linux', node='fv-az1055-844', release='6.5.0-1025-azure', version='#26~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 11 22:33:04 UTC 2024', machine='x86_64', processor='x86_64')  Threads 4
Python 3.8.18 (default, Jul 16 2024, 19:04:00) 
[GCC 11.4.0]
numpy 1.24.4  scipy 1.10.1  h5py 3.11.0
Date: Fri Dec 13 18:01:16 2024
PySCF version 2.7.0
PySCF path  /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyscf

[CONFIG] conf_file None
[INPUT] verbose = 4
[INPUT] num. atoms = 3
[INPUT] num. electrons = 10
[INPUT] charge = 0
[INPUT] spin (= nelec alpha-beta = 2S) = 0
[INPUT] symmetry True subgroup None
[INPUT] Mole.unit = angstrom
[INPUT] Symbol           X                Y                Z      unit          X                Y                Z       unit  Magmom
[INPUT]  1 O      0.000000000000   0.000000000000   0.117300000000 AA    0.000000000000   0.000000000000   0.221664874411 Bohr   0.0
[INPUT]  2 H      0.000000000000   0.757200000000  -0.469200000000 AA    0.000000000000   1.430900621521  -0.886659497646 Bohr   0.0
[INPUT]  3 H      0.000000000000  -0.757200000000  -0.469200000000 AA    0.000000000000  -1.430900621521  -0.886659497646 Bohr   0.0

nuclear repulsion = 9.1895337629349
point group symmetry = C2v
symmetry origin: [0. 0. 0.]
symmetry axis x: [-1. -0. -0.]
symmetry axis y: [0. 1. 0.]
symmetry axis z: [0. 0. 1.]
num. orbitals of irrep A1 = 7
num. orbitals of irrep B1 = 2
num. orbitals of irrep B2 = 4
number of shells = 9
number of NR pGTOs = 30
number of NR cGTOs = 13
basis = 6-31g
ecp = {}
CPU time:        20.42
xyz_view = py3Dmol.view(width=400,height=400)
xyz_view.setStyle({'stick':{}, "sphere":{"radius":0.4}})

3Dmol.js failed to load for some reason. Please check your browser console for error messages.


  • Hatree-Fock (HF) is the starting point of the most of quantum chemistry

  • We variationally optimize the orbitals for a single Slater determinint

  • Working in the basis of atom-centered basis function we solve the Roothaan-Hall equations

See the PySCF user guide and examples for more info.

mymf = scf.RHF(mol).run()

Density Functional Theory#

  • In Density Functional Theory (DFT), the electron density of a reference noninteracting system is used to represent the density of the true interacting system.

  • The formulation resembles HF with a different effective Fock potential.

  • This effective potential depends on the density functional approximation which is chosen by the user.

  • PySCF gives users the access to a large number of functionals through the libxc and xcfun libraries.

See the PySCF user guide and examples for more info.

Møller–Plesset perturbation theory#

  • Perturbative corrections to the Hartree-Fock approximation.

See the PySCF user guide and examples for more info.

Coupled Cluster#

  • Perturbative method that improves on the Hartree-Fock approximation.

  • Coupled Cluster Singles and Doubles (CCSD) includes single and double excitation on top of the HF wave function.

  • Accuracy can be improved by including triples perturbatively (CCSD(T)).

  • Non-variational, but size extensive description of ground states. For excited states, see EOM-CCSD.

See the PySCF user guide and examples for more info.

mycc = cc.CCSD(mymf).run()
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[16], line 1
----> 1 mycc = cc.CCSD(mymf).run()

NameError: name 'mymf' is not defined
e_ccsd_t = mycc.ccsd_t()

Full Configuration Interaction#

  • Full configuration interaction (FCI) is exact for a given choice of basis set.

  • Cost grows exponentially with the size of the system.

  • Also known as exact diagonalization.

See the PySCF examples for more details.

myfci = fci.FCI(mymf)


Important data is saved to the PySCF method objects, making it easy to analyze and visualize!

# Collect data
methods = ["HF", "MP2", "CCSD", "CCSD(T)", "FCI"]
energies = [mymf.e_tot, mymp2.e_tot, mycc.e_tot, mycc.e_tot + e_ccsd_t, myfci.e_tot]

# Plotting
fig = px.line(x=methods, y=energies, title="Comparison of QC methods", markers=True)
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Method", yaxis_title="Energy (Ha)")
fig.update_traces(marker_size=12) # It's interactive!